ACDS Executive Director, Bill Yoder, inducted into Arkansas Academy of Computing

A group of middle aged people dressed in business casual and wearing name tags standing on a stage.

The Arkansas Academy of Computing is administered by the Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering in the College of Engineering at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. The purpose of the organization is to:

  • Recognize persons who have made significant and sustained contributions to the computing industry;
  • Influence and advocate computing and information technology education at all levels and jobs within our state;
  • Raise funds among the membership to provide direct scholarships to students and support related programs; and
  • Promote professionalism in the field of computing.

As the Academy notes in their introduction of Bill:

Bill Yoder leads the Arkansas Center for Data Sciences (ACDS) team with a long-standing reputation for building loyal, long-term relationships with business partners, client accounts, and staff members. Bill is guiding the ACDS team’s effort to build a sustainable, long term catalyst for the future of data and computer sciences in Arkansas.

Bill was interim CEO of the Venture Center, CEO of Watch House International for 12 years, Group Leader and Account Executive at Acxiom for 10 years, and District Account Manager at Alltel Information Services for 10 years.

Fate and family kept bringing Bill back to Arkansas. The first time was 1972, when his in-laws encouraged him and his wife to locate and find work in central Arkansas. Later Systematics sent them to San Diego and on to Milwaukee, and then back to Little Rock. While with Acxiom they went to Phoenix, and then after an 11 year entrepreneurial start-up in Missouri, Bill and his wife Peggy are very happy to now be back in Arkansas.

Bill believes in taking your work seriously, but not yourself, in always doing your best – and setting expectations for quality high!

At the Arkansas Center for Data Sciences, we’re glad to have Bill leading our team into the future as a hub for Technology & Data in Arkansas.

#ACDSintheNews #ARDataSciences #DataSciences #TechinArkansas #Technology #FutureofArkansas #ITisArkansas

To learn more about the Arkansas Academy of Computing visit:

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